Cabinet door set - Ogee and bead profile
The set is designed to be used in a router table to create a cabinet door.
- Rail profile router bit
- Stile profile router bit
- Panel raise router bit
Extra info
Router Bit Maintenance
Fortunately, this is pretty easy. The best way to prolong the life of a router bit is to keep it clean. And what you need to do varies with the type of bit.
Note: Sharpening is extremely important too.
A. No Bearings:
To clean bits without bearings, first blow off any dust. Then remove any resin that has built up. (Resin places a drag on the bit which can cause it to overheat and burn.)
Resin removers are available. It's the same stuff you use to clean your saw blades.
B. Bits with Bearings:
To clean bits with bearings, first, remove the bearing. Then clean the bit as you did with non-bearing bits.
It's important to remove the bearings because even though router bearings are "sealed," resin remover can sneak in and dissolve the bearing grease. If this were to happen, you would be faced with the problem of trying to lubricate a sealed bearing.
Despite the claims of bearing grease sellers, we've never had much luck with this. Once that grease is gone, just go buy a new bearing.
C. Bit Shanks:
Periodically inspect the shanks of your router bits for rust or burrs. Either of these can be removed quickly with ScotchBrite®. Left on, they can interfere with your ability to properly tighten the bit in the collet.
How Fast Should a Router be Running?
If you've got a router with variable speed, then you've got the power to improve the quality of your cut. In general, the larger the bit, the slower the speed you need. The perfect solution for dealing with varying bit sizes is a variable speed router.
Here are general guidelines for most bits:
Hand Held Router Use
Bit Size Bit Size rpm
Small – 12.7 mm 1/16" to 1/2" 22,000
12,7 mm – 28,6 mm 1/2 to 1 1/8" 14,000 - 18,000
28.6 mm – 50,8 mm 1 1/8" to 2" 12,000 - 14,000
Router Table Use
Bit Size Bit Size rpm
50,8mm -63,3 mm 2" to 2 1/2" 12,000 - 14,000
63,5 mm & larger 2 1/2" and up 8,000 - 12,000
Rail cutter outside diameter 44.5mm
Rail cutter height 24mm
Stile cutter outside diameter 44.5mm
Stile cutter height 24mm
Raised panel cutter outside diameter 88.9mm
Raised panel cutter height 15mm